Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Seeds of Success

"Convince me that you have seed there, and I am prepared to expect wonders." - Henry David Thoreau

In cooperation with other agencies, municipalities, and botanic gardens, BLM coordinates the Seeds of Success (SOS) program. SOS was established to collect and conserve native plant seeds. Seed collections are either held for conservation or used in restoration and research projects. Seeds are collected when and where the plants are abundant.

Yesterday, I helped Martin collect the seeds of Crepis occidentalis (western hawk's-beard). The unassuming plant, looking not too unlike a common dandelion, is apparently quite tasty to sage-grouse. While the grouse can and do eat sagebrush, the chicks start off on insects and forbs in the spring and early summer. We'll be able to use the seeds for restoration in the event of a fire.

Seeds of Success Program

Crepis occidentalis
gone to seed

success !

I started my day doing the second willow flycatcher survey at Dogtown. Still no WIFLs, but here are a couple pictures of other cool stuff.

Sidalcea oregana
bog mallow

spotted towhee nest

I would like to thank Mr. and Mrs. Towhee for allowing me to snap the quick picture of their babies. They were awfully mad at me, but I couldn't resist...their little ones are so cute !!!

Incidentally, I just learned that a group of towhees is a "tangle" or a "teapot". You learn something new every day !

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